Saturday, June 19, 2004

short and not so sweet..

i couldn't help but feel, when i saw/heard the president's reaction to news of the most recent american beheaded in iraq, that he sounded so very arrogant and detached. i didn't hear him say anything that represented sorrow or heartbreak for the families that are now dealing with such tremendous suffering. instead, his response was full of remarks about barbarism and thuggery and how he would not back down. granted, the terrorists that seem to be having a field day with these horrific acts are nothing shy of barbarians and thugs. but how about showing some feeling for the tragic loss of another american? some simple human heartfelt sympathy for the family of the victim? his anger and arrogance is getting really old. he just seems so devoid of any other feelings... so outrageously detached. it's kind of really fucking sad how one track minded he can be...